Sunday, March 21, 2004

We got part of the climber built this Saturday, and the kids had so much fun playing on it after dh modified it a bit. Sam was a huge help in building it, working hard to bring his daddy tools though he really wanted to be all grown up and do big person work. After the climber was finished for the day, our neighbor came over to play. The kids played outside till after dark. We turned on the motion light and they played on the mulch pile, having a terrific time. I think we're all longing for the long, lazy days of summer.

Sunday I spent outside weeding and spreading mulch, and the kids played with our neighbor again. Her mom was not pleased when I said she needed to homeschool. *eg* Her older brother is being homeschooled now because of problems in school, so the girls and I are lobbying for her to stay home too.

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