Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Kitchen Chemistry

The kids have been having fun experimenting in the kitchen over the last several months, making different kinds of "soups" and "cakes." They love having the low baking center and their "own" oven--both parts of the kitchen remodel.
They've moved beyond the simple yucky-mix soups and into the actual chemistry of cooking, figuring out how eggs, flour, milk and baking soda effect the results of the "cake." They've helped bake enough now that they have a general sense of what goes into breads and cookies and have improvised some pretty interesting dishes.


Danielle said...

I just enabled the comments feature on my blog after Hannah kindly emailed me the note below:

Hi-- just saw your post about the cooking experiments, and wondered if you had heard of Alton Brown. He has a show on Food TV called "Good Eats" and he has two cookbooks, one of them devoted to baking ("I'm Just Here for More Food"). I mention this because he explains the science of cooking, and especially baking, getting into what water and protein and fat molecules all do. His books have almost as much science content as recipes. On the TV show he'll have people act out skits to explain (say) why you should be gentle with sugar syrups or they'll crystalize-- in that skit each person represents a sugar molecule. He's fairly amusing, and I think his shows are quite kid-friendly. Just a thought....

Anonymous said...

I don't know if Alton Brown covers this same information, but years ago I clipped out a very interesting article in "Fine Cooking" Magazine all about the ratios of ingredients in cake and how to balance them. It's online here: